Saturday, September 26, 2015

Being Reminded of Why I'm Here

Hi. Long time no see. I've been busy.

I moved to Florida to pursue a career in the restaurant industry. And to be closer to my sister. And to get out of an abusive relationship.

I was successful in getting out of the relationship.

I failed at becoming a chef.

And I learned that sometimes the best way to be close to one's siblings is to be far away from them. (Love ya, Mary!)

So I'm back in Wisconsin. I'm trying to get my feet back under me; looking at what I want in my life.

Today I tried out for MasterChef. It is likely I did not get in. I won't know for a little bit, but I'm fairly certain.

Thing is, I'm not upset. It reminded me of what I wanted and why. So, I'm coming back. And this time it is going to be better than ever!