So…Have I been good? Answer: Fairly good. I’ve been to the gym 4 times in the last 7 days. I still haven’t had any booze. I did have my beloved Ramen for breakfast today but I have an excuse! It was left over from last year. I found it when I was putting away my groceries and I decided to make the temptation disappear as quickly as possible (by eating it). The ramen was not the only thing I found when I was putting groceries away…whoa!
I had not done any great excavations in my fridge since Thanksgiving and the results were that yesterday when I delved into the depths of my icebox I found great mysteries…
First… a quote from George Carlin…
Perhaps the worst thing that can happen is to reach into the refrigerator and come out with something that you cannot identify at all. You literally do not know what it is. Could be meat, could be cake. Usually, at a time like that, I'll bluff. "Honey, is this good?" "Well, what is it?" "I don't know. I've never seen anything like it. It looks like...meatcake!" "Well, smell it." (snort, sniff) "It has absolutely no smell whatsoever!" "It's good! Put it back! Somebody is saving it. It'll turn up in something."

This was some leftover Sweet Potato Puree that I had intended to make biscuits with right after Thanksgiving (you know that holiday we had 3 months ago!)
I do have a roommate so sometimes the food mysteries I come across are his, like the several nearly empty containers of pasta sauce. But we for the most part share food so the two open containers of butter was a mystery. Why open a second when there is one already open sitting on the shelf and then…put the newly opened container right in front of the older open container!?!

The best was the cranberry sauce/jelly that I found…
This was also from Thanksgiving but perhaps more frightening than the hairy growth on the sweet potatoes…for there was no change in it from when I had entombed it in the fridge. I opened the container with some trepidation only to discover that the scent was the same as it should be so I took a chance and tried some. It tasted fine!
I put it back into the fridge.
I moved things around and then put my new groceries away. Now, I was ready to cook. But I will tell you about that tomorrow.
And on a Final note:
It's a leftover. What a sad word that is. Leftover. How would you like to be...a leftover? Well, it wouldn't be bad if they were taking people out to be shot. I might even volunteer. But, y'know, leftovers make you feel good twice. D'ja ever think about that? When you first put them away, you feel really intelligent- "I'm saving food!" And then, after a month, when hair is growing out of them and you throw them away you feel...really intelligent- "I'm saving my life!"~George Carlin (Ice Box Man, From the 1981 album A PLACE FOR MY STUFF!)
Food yesterday… Rice Noodles, Country-fried Steak, corn, and salad dressing (breakfast)
1.5 tamales and ½ the rice from the pork tamale dinner at Pasquales @ Hilldale. (not strongly recommended) (lunch)
Parmesan-Panko Baked Chicken, lemon risotto, and balsamic sautéed tomatoes with spinach. (dinner)
Exercise? Yes: 30 minute on elliptical at The Nat.
So I take it, that white fluffy stuff wasn't whipped cream... Glad I didn't look in there.
As usual you are my inspiration. I have vowed to:
1 grocery shop once a week
2 eat at least one serving of fruit and veggies a day
3 Cook at least 3x a week.
So the scary honest truth
Starting weight 310lb
goal weight 150lb
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